Sunday, June 1, 2014

Geography and Timing

I truly felt like I was in a movie, a romantic comedy with a happy ending.  You know, when you find that person that you want to do everything with?  The person that you can sit with in totall silence and be totally content.  The individual that supports you in everything you do, even when you don't think you can do it. The friend that shows you love even when you may deserve less from them in that moment.  The one that allows you to be the strong indedependent person and appreciates that about you.  The lover that loves you just as much as you love them and isn't afraid to show it.

I feel like the children in Mary Poppins........I put out an advertisement for the perfect partner and suddently he appeared in my life.  The only difference?  I did not put out an advertisement and I didn't even know I was looking.  Don't get me wrong, I knew there were things that I was lacking, but I never imagined there could be a perfect piece of the puzzle to my life.

I thought about sitting down and putting a pro/con list together, however the only cons I could ever come up with were things like geography and timing.  His actual person does not lack anything I desire.  Quite the opposite actually.  His person is exactly what I desire.

I'm holding on tight, with both hands, waiting for the timing and geography to line up.

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