Saturday, June 14, 2014


Today would have been so much better had I had someone to share it with.  It felt very lonely to move things alone, into an empty house.  I took pictures as I put things into the house to send to the kids. The good news is they are excited.  I have moments of excitement, but mostly moments of pride.  Being the strong, independent woman sometimes leaves you lonely because everyone expects that you will be fine.  I could
use a hug.

Tomorrow is a new day and I have a good friend coming to help me move heavier things.  I hope to slowly get this moving process completed so there is less to do when the kids get home at the end of the month.  I feel so lucky to of found the home we are moving into.  The owner of the home seems very easy to deal with and incredibly nice.

I absolutely can't wait to see the kids faces when they walk into our new home.  I hope it satisfies them.  I long for big smiles and easy transition, another reason I want to have so much done when they return.

Rocking it alone is difficult, however I feel accomplished and strong.  I hope my children see me that way too.


  1. I love you lady! Sending you tons of hugs!!

  2. ���� you very much. Sending you a BIG hug!!!

  3. I appreciate you, my friends

  4. As I don't know details, I do know the feeling of starting over and feeling accomplished. Life is a crazy ride, stay strong, you got this! Love from an old old friend :)
