Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Friend, Sarah

I met her in a zumba class.  I remember thinking she was very quiet, of course that is in comparison to me and my friends, not quiet.  It took a bit of time before we began talking but once that occurred we were fast friends.  I have never met a more loving, caring or patient human being.  You know that saying that "they would give you the shirt off their own back"?  I literally think she would do that, for anyone in need.

Being that I am the older of the two of us you would assume that she would learn much from me, but I am serious when I say that she has taught me so much about myself.  During and after my divorce I had the tendency to try to hide from the world.  I went to work, then home and that was about it.  My friend, Sarah Murphy, didn't allow me to do that.  She planned our walking dates, dinners and included me in circles I was not part of.  I am positive she would not see this as a favor, but it was.  She didn't allow me to hide and get lost in feeling sorry for myself.  She spent countless steps listening to me babble about that weeks drama.  In the calmest, most open way she gave me exactly what I needed...a friend.

It has been many months now that I knew I would eventually lose her to the big city, Denver.  For some odd reason she wants to live with her husband, who does that?  Is this normal behavior for young people today? All kidding aside - I saw it coming, but that does not mean I have to like it.  Sarah has the most wonderful husband.  I am so happy that they will get to start their new lives together in a new home and new town.  No two people deserve it more.  

As I told Sarah - her moving will give me an excuse to get to know Denver, spend more time there.  It is no secret how special she is.  I am going to miss so much about her:

-  Our funny talks while she makes me dinner
-  My niece (her dog)
-  Someone knowing how I feel without me saying it
-  Random flowers, cards or gifts 
-  A non-judgmental ear
-  That laugh - I love her laugh
-  The great influence she is on my daughter
-  The reminder to get to our physical trainer
-  Someone laughing at and with me
-  Watching her ass in zumba
-  Watching her flirt with our zumba pals (Jean - lol)
-  Planning events (ya, we rock)
-  Shopping partner (introduced me to dress barn)
-  Most of all...just seeing her face, she literally brings a smile to mine

Sarah - I can't promise I won't cry when you leave, but I promise it will not be long before I see you again. You are an important part of my life that I intend to keep intact for many years to come.  I love you.

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