Saturday, April 18, 2020

Trusting Me

I put a lot of pressure on myself my entire life.  I remember asking my mom why she never got on me for my grades in high school.  They were not bad, I just know I could of done better.  My mom told me that I was always harder on myself than they, my parents, could ever be.
My dad once told me that the day I found I was pregnant, the first time, I grew up.  Keep in mind I was 18 and in college.  I had seen others my age get pregnant prior to me, I just wanted more - for me and my child.
My parents proved to me over and over again that they had so much faith in me and my decision making.  When my oldest sons father went to my father to ask for permission to marry me, my dad said "what did Yvonne say"?  That is the ultimate compliment that my dad believed in me.
All of these things make me so grateful to both of my parents.
All of this to say; that it is time that I start trusting myself.  I may make mistakes, but I always do the right thing.  So, I am going to move forward with faith in myself.

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