Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Goals

The last year has been full of change in more ways than I care to explain.   The most specific change within my control had been mine and mine alone, my health.  
I learned how harsh a negative surrounding can be in you inside and out.   Once I learned that it was up to me, and only me, to correct it.
To begin I only made weight goals yet quickly learned that was not enough.   It is about what is on the inside of you, as well as what is shared by the others around you.  
I found the most amazing group of woman that I now consider my zumba family.   The support they have given me had kept me strong and certain.   The leader of this family is our instructor, mama bear, Dianne.   I am positive if I had any other instructor to start I would not have been hooked so quickly.   Dianne is full of love and life. The best thing. ... she shares all of that with us.   I wake up Monday-Wednesday-Friday so excited to spend the morning with my family.  Thursday night class has become the icing on the cake.   I don't have the words to thank Dianne and my Zumba family for all the love and support they have given me.   It has resulted I'm doing 27 lbs, no longer needed blood pressure meds and searching for that next goal.
In walks another zumba family member, Meagan.   Meagan is one of those women that is gorgeous inside and out.   She is in tremendous shape and has a beauty queen face.  Meagan has taken me to my next goal. ...running.   I have wanted to do it,  but honestly was not sure where to start.   This fabulous lady,  who is a runner, is creating me a training schedule to become a runner.  Who does that?  Only the right, positive people that belong in your life.
I'm looking forward to the next year working towards my goals with my amazing support.

I'm so grateful.

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