Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12 Hours

No one can do it for me...I know.  I took a minute, which turned into more like 12 hours, to really think about all that is going on in my life right now.  I feel like I give and give and perhaps it isn't seen that way. My problem is I worry about what others think.  In my 12 hours of thought I realized those very people don't worry about me in their equation, so why am I making an already challenging life more difficult?  The answer became so easy it was scary.

Although I cannot go back and change anything I can do what I believe is right in every situation.  The only people I need to take into consideration are in my every day life or under my roof.  My happiness does matter, not just to me but to those around me.

This last week my children experienced what two people in love are like - how they share, communicate and care for each other.  They saw their mother laugh and smile because the man in her life is her best friend.  They felt comfortable enough to include themselves in the transition and share themselves with us.  They felt seen, heard and happy.

I can honestly say that I was not sure how this life would go, but I learned through my children's eyes.  I may of chosen him but they have welcomed him.  It is with a happy heart that I close tonight knowing I am in love with my best friend and will spend every day being grateful for just that.


  1. What a hard conclusion to come to. I can relate very well to this situation. I haven't gotten back to making new friends very well after it all however I focused my energy all towards the man in my life and the friends that have stuck with me which has made life more happy.
    Glad everything is looking up for you! Stay strong. You are loved and cared about. :-)♡

    1. This is Joel by the way. Not sure why it marked me as unknown.

    2. This is Joel by the way. Not sure why it marked me as unknown.

  2. What a hard conclusion to come to. I can relate very well to this situation. I haven't gotten back to making new friends very well after it all however I focused my energy all towards the man in my life and the friends that have stuck with me which has made life more happy.
    Glad everything is looking up for you! Stay strong. You are loved and cared about. :-)♡

  3. I am so pleased to call you friend...
