Wednesday, April 27, 2016


I could do with a little less stress.  I have not been able to get any writing done.  Even when I find the time, when I sit down all of my words turn into tears.  I have never had so many mixed emotions in my life.  More so - I have never felt so much disappointment in my life.  I feel like I am being punished for being the honest person who is unwilling to let others walk all over me.  Peoples ability to not only lie to others, but lie to themselves scares the hell out of me.  These are the type of minds that are unpredictable.  I try so hard to think that perhaps they really have that poor of a memory that they are unable to put all of their "stories" back together.  Then their actions prove me wrong yet again.  I think the reason they became so angry with me was because I did not back down.  I did not conform to their expectation.  I lived the truth.  On top of that I caught them in their own lies.  Once they said those things out loud they were simply unable to recover.  I am not going to take responsibility for their ill effect on all of us.  I will, however, take complete responsibility for getting myself and my children through this - ending in an even more positive place. 

1 comment:

  1. You are to be greatly admired. I find as time goes on that truth seems to be the next thing to be extinct in this world. sometimes I get caught up in every day struggles I forget to get my priorities the way they should be. Believe me you are more of an inspiration than you realize.
