Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I'm Happy!

It has been far to long since I sat down and blogged.  My life has been a roller coaster ride.  There have been so many ups and downs, but I am happy to say that there is light at the end of our tunnel and we are coming out way ahead on the other side.

Most of the time I have been fight writers block, lack of time and some days just having a lack of positivity shuts me down.  That is not me and it certainly is not who or what I want to share with the world.

I have had friends abandon me, parents disown me and what I considered true friends hurt me with words that although I will forgive - I will never forget.  I realize those things alone would of taken many people out, yet I learned some amazing things about myself, my kids, my husband and who my real, true friends are. 

I fight this view of me all the time.  The "She will be OK, she is tough" attitude everyone has towards me.  Let me just make something completely clear - strong does not mean without feelings.  I chose not to react to the hate.  I chose not to apologize when I was not wrong.  I chose to live my life in a positive way and place.  That place is my home - with my husband and our children. 

My children have proven to be the most mature and thoughtful people in my life.  My oldest son knows me better than I ever imagined.  My middle son has been the strong one.  My baby girl, although she struggles, is always a 100% on board with her mom. 

Then there is my husband.  Who knew that such an amazing man even existed?  A man that is real, kind, true and possibly the most loving human I have ever met.  He gives in more ways than I knew possible. 

Finally - my friends.  Many of those special people showed there beautiful colors the last month I was in Colorado.  Between planning a wedding reception, having a going away breakfast and partying with me at Fusion on my final night in town...these friends are keepers. 

I'm thankful.  I'm loved.  I'm happy.