Saturday, September 2, 2017

Our Hospital Time

Opening my eyes felt odd.  What was more odd was feeling my body moving as I slowly opened my eyes.  I heard my husbands voice and immediately was put at ease.  The situation became more and more clear.  Why was I barely waking now?  Wasn't I suppose to spend time in recovery before I was taken to my room?

As I was settled into my room I looked to my husband and he had a 100% comfortable look in his face.  This, to me, meant everything went fine.  At this point, that was enough for me to relax and take in all that was going on around me.

I began to take inventory of my body.  What was I feeling?  Was there any pain?  I did not feel any pain.  I had slight discomfort in my stomach area and wanted to sleep, however all in all I was feeling OK.  There were nursing taking my vitals, my husband fixing my pillows and blankets and I could hear machines near my head.  I doubt I was awake long.

Every time I opened my eyes my husband was sitting right next to my bed.  I remember a nurse coming in pretty much every time I would fall asleep; or that is what it seemed like.  There was a time when someone explained what I had to do to go home.  I had to use the restroom, use the blowing machine and eat their specified amount of ounces.

The most memorable moment was the first time I had to get out of bed to use the restroom.  Of course, my husband was there to help me, but that is the first time I had pain that I thought "Oh shit, who decided to do this"?

The next two days were long; but we met some amazing people working for the hospital.  At one point there were checking my wounds and playing zumba music for me.  There were lots of laughs, smiles and just overwhelming support.

Don't get me wrong...this was not the easiest couple of days, but it was certainly the best hospital experience I could of imagined considering the circumstances.  I was ready to go home; worried at the same time about recovering on my own at home.  I was going to need to lean on people and ask for help; neither being things I am good at.  Lucky for me I have loved ones that know that and step up without even being asked.

Wish me luck at home...


1 comment:

  1. Good luck @ home dear....wishing a speedy recovery...smiles
