Thursday, March 21, 2013

Live and Learn

I have been having profound emotions with the beginning of writing my book.  I am positive that writing about it all will also be tremendous therapy for me.  Perhaps I have been overly sensitive lately, yet something happened this week that I just had to share.

A friend of mine is getting married.  He called me before he even proposed to tell me how he was going to do it.  He was excited, I was excited and I could not wait to watch them exchange vows.  Since we have not seen each other in a while I even asked if I would be invited (you never know what type of wedding someone is having or how many people will be invited).  He told me "of course".  A few months later he and his now fiance came over to have dinner at our house.  We had a good time talking about old times, the wedding and everything else under the moon.  Again, we were told "of course" we are invited.

After the dinner together I tried to be better at maintaining communication with my friend, as he and I both admitted we had not done the best at that.  You see we use to work together, but neither of us work at that company anymore.  I would leave little notes on his facebook, just so he knew I was thinking of him, even if I did not have the time to call and have a full blown conversation.  After two of these messages the fiance started posting crazy comments on her facebook that I could only assume were about me.  Things like "don't you hate it when people pay more attention to your fiance than you do" blah blah, madness.  I backed off a little thinking she was just crazy swamped with wedding planning.

A few weeks ago I saw the fiance post that the invitations had gone out in the mail.  I was so excited to see it, read it and of course RSVP.  A week passed, no invite.  Then she posted that they had received their first RSVP, still no invite.  I am not the type to "stew" on things so I contacted my friend.  I asked him straight up "Are we invited"?  He gave me this long answer that was basically "No".  I gave it a little thought and I understood if someone is limited on funds, space, whatever.  My husband and I really limited our wedding to who fit on the cliff with us (35 or so people).  What upset me is how I found out.  He could have shot me an email, text, facebook message, anything just saying that they could not make it happen due to funds.  Anyone would understand that. 

The next thing I know, the same day, I get an insane facebook message from the fiance.  She attacked everything about me.  My friendship with her fiance, me going to zumba, my facebook posts, my blog, whatever she could think of.  It was an easy decision to unfriend them both and block her completely.  Is she truly this insecure?  What a sad sad series of events. 

I truly wish him the best, it will take some work with her at his side.  He has goals, he is highly intelligent and a great dad. 

I will miss his friendship, but not enough to accept her drama into my life.  Live and learn.

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