I see it now. It took a long time to come through as a clear vision. Before all I saw was the nightmare of losing my mother. The overwhelming feeling of being alone when your parents can so easily disregard one of their children. Why was I shocked? They tried it with one of my siblings before. What I feel now is sadness. In my mirror is my mother. The mother I remember.
My mom was one of the most intelligent women I knew. She was strong and independent, everything that a woman strives to be. She had a wonderful father, close siblings, a bread winning job and the family that saw her as the hub - the center of our world.
Looking back now I understand. She began to lose things one by one. She lost her father, she lost some siblings and slowly her health. She saw these things as weakness. I say that with confidence because I was doing the same thing, feeling the same things. I understand her desire to hold on to what she could. I get it now.
Grateful...all I can say is - I am grateful. I am, for lack of a better term, blessed to of witnessed this at an age where I could comprehend what was real and what wasn't. I own my part. I was everything she was and I was strong enough to do it and go through it alone.
I will never forget being left alone to deal with my divorce. Being judged because I refused to speak poorly of my ex-husband. The nights of rocking in my bed, full of anxiety, holding in all that I was going through. I was so afraid to share my ugly. I was trying to avoid exactly what happened anyway...people judging.
What everyone forgets while they are sitting back in judgment of others is:
- You don't live in their home
- You don't know their life
- You don't know what is true
- You don't know what is false
- You don't know their limits
It feels absolutely horrible when you are disliked for being TO strong. I didn't cry enough, I didn't morn long enough, I didn't wait long enough, I didn't try hard enough - you simply have no idea. The things I lost in those years could not be fixed, replaced or even glued back together. Not because I did not want to fix it; because you can't fix something alone.
There is less than a handful of people that know me well. Those are the people that know I cried enough, I morned enough, I waited enough and I tried harder and longer than anyone in my position ever would have. I do not answer to you and I do not answer to them. I answer to me and I know the amount of loss I had in the four years prior to my divorce was more than I lost in my actual divorce.
It was time to believe in me again and the first step is walking away from the one person that believed in me the least.